Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Byzantium And Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Byzantium And Islam - Essay Example .   Byzantium attained its political height through Justinian, who re-conquered the old Western empire parts.   Successive attacks from various peoples, including Latin Christians, made Byzantium weak, finally falling to the Ottoman Turks (1454) (Perry, Chase, Jacob, & Jacob, 2008 pg. 29). As the 7th century began, vast territories that extended from Egypt to Syria and across North African territories were under the rule of Byzantine Empire from Constantinople (modern Istanbul), its capital. Critical to the power and wealth of the empire, these southern territories long influenced by the Greco-Roman traditions held Orthodox, Syriac and Coptic, Christians, Jewish communities, among other many religions (Ratliff & Evans, 2012 pg. 36). Great pilgrimage centers engrossed the faithful followers from as far away as Scandinavia in the west and Yemen in the east. Major trade routes extended down the Red Sea to eastward past Jordan to Indian lands in the south, bringing ivories and silks to the imperial territories. Key cities made wealthy by commerce protracted along inland trade routes Constantinople north and along the coastline of Mediterranean sea. Commerce carried ideas and images freely through the region. In the same 7th century, the newly founded faith of Islam began from Medina and Mecca along the Red Sea trade way and reached westward to the Byzantium Empire’s southern provinces. Religious and political authority was conveyed from the long conventional Christian Byzantine to the newly founded Umayyad and well along Abbasid Muslim dynasties. These new powers capitalized on the advantage of existing region traditions in developing their compelling religious and secular visual identities. This exhibition shadows the Byzantine Empire southern provinces artistic traditions from the 7th century to the 9th, as they were changed from being fundamental to the Byzantine tradition and beliefs to being a critical Islamic world part (Ratliff & Evans, 2012 pg. 6 1). Byzantium preserved key foundations of the Greco-Roman practices and tradition.   Under Justinian's order, Byzantine scholars collected and organized Roman law in the Corpus Juris Civilis, which had four parts.   Influenced by the Greek historians, Byzantines including Anna Comnena, Procopius, and Michael Psellus offered rational, comprehensible, if not always objective, versions of historical occasions.   Byzantine religious philosophers studied Greek philosophy but they subordinated philosophical activity to theology enterprise. Byzantium developed a rich architectural, artistic, and musical tradition influenced by some pre-existing ones.   Drawing from Hebrew and Greco-Roman practice and theory, Byzantine musicians formed a tonal system that greatly influenced the Western music course, and Kontakion hymnody derivative of early Christianity models.   Byzantine art largely concerned itself with exalting the empire and serving spiritual purposes.   The iconoclastic c ontroversy made artists to find new methods of approaching the issue of representing the human nature, but despite that, Byzantine artists never reconnoitered realism in deep as their Western complements did.   Ravenna became the focus of much early artistic engagements.   Buildings such as Theodoric's church of St. Apollinare, Galla Placidia's mausoleum, and San

Monday, October 28, 2019

Molluscs and Natural Selection Essay Example for Free

Molluscs and Natural Selection Essay The process of natural selection is one of the most cited reasons for the evolution of a species, and it was made famous by Charles Darwin’s famous observations of finches in the Galapagos Islands. It is believed to work by way of random mutations; random mutations occur, as it indicates, randomly and spontaneously in a population for a multitude of genetic reasons. Mutations help to create variation of different traits within a species, and they can be expressed with different phenotypes. In times where a mutation has no negative effect on the individual organism, this trait could be advantageous in a new habitat or predatory situation, etc. With an advantage in survival, and thus reproduction, these organisms are often selected for over other members of the species, creating a change in variation of a species over generations. Molluscs, although a very large and diverse group of animals, often share certain features: a mantle, radula, shell, and foot. The mantle is a thin and fleshy layer which secretes the hard shell of a mollusc. The radula is a grate-like structure in the mouth used to scrape surfaces and drill holes. The foot is a muscle which assists in locomotion and movement of the molluscs. It is hypothesized that all current-day molluscs share a common ancestor, called the hypothetical ancestral mollusc or HAM, because of the similar characteristics and body plans that have been modified in diverse ways over time to adapt to different environments. Two members of the mollusc family include the clam, of the class bivalvia, and the squid, of the class cephalopoda, and these are an example of variation from the HAM that helped them adapt for their particular environment, feeding behavior, and movement (Sigwart, 2007). The squid species has undergone many adaptations. The squid’s radula resembles a beak-like structure that it uses to devour its food, very different from the chiton-like HAM which probably had a small radula. Over time, the radula’s shape has been mutated and then selected for as the squid changed its eating habits – if it provided quicker eating time, then it would be selected for. The squid lacks an outer shell (it’s internalized), so the mantle of the squid has also been modified into muscular â€Å"flaps† that it uses to propel itself quickly through the water, nd thus capture prey or avoid predators, a necessary function due to the squid’s lack of a hard protective barrier (Sigwart, 2007) A large shell would be unnecessary for the squid since it can propel quickly away from predators, and may even hinder its ability to swim; this would lead one to believe that the squid developed a muscular mantle from HAM and then a mutation for loss of the shell was selected for following the muscular body. Also, the foot of the squid has adapted from the single foot of the HAM to become tentacles and arms, used to quickly capture and bring prey closer to its beak-like radula to eat, which is buried behind its many arms. This modified version of its foot is an extremely effective feeding method that, coupled with the squid’s speed, enables it to catch and hold prey that otherwise might be able to escape (Sutton, 2007). The clam is a sedentary mollusc that uses its foot to burrow into the sand. The clam is a filter feeder, straining food particles from the water. The clam doesn’t have a radula, probably the result of a random mutation that caused some clam ancestors to lack the structure, or it may have been modified into another structure that aided in the filter feeding process. The filter feeding process is environmentally selected for because it enables the animal to take in food particles while buried under the sand. The mantle of the clam is found inside of its hard, hinged shell. The strong shell of the clam was environmentally selected for since it prevents predators from easily eating the clam, allows it to bury safely into the sand without affecting its internal organs, and improves the clams ability to survive and reproduce. The foot of the clam has adapted so that the species can dig into the sand with this muscle which can be moved out of the shell, a very different type of foot than the HAM’s muscular, positioned foot which allows for scavenging (Sutton, 2007). The HAM, very similar to the chiton, served as a good base model for this very diverse phylum of animals. Lots of spontaneous and random mutations must have occurred for such diversity – to have sedentary, burrowing animals and predatory, jet-propelling animals in the same phylum of animals is quite a feat.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Review of Research Paper on RNA in Mammalian Cells -- Biology

Review of Research Paper: Duplexes of 21-nucleotide RNAs mediate RNA interference in cultured mammalian cells Overview The significance of this experiment is that it shows how siRNA suppresses the expression of genes in different mammalian cells. It was known previous to the experiment that dsRNA can trigger apoptosis in cells- this is an automatic defense mechanism that mammalian cells use to protect against the dsRNA possessed by viruses. The dsRNA can cause RNA interference when it is taken into the cell by a transgene or a virus. The dsRNA is then cleaved by ribonuclease III enzyme into 21-22 nucleotide siRNA's. The siRNA's joins a nuclease complex to form an RNA-induced silencing complex. This complex then cleaves and degrades mRNA. The question was, could transfecting the cell directly with siRNA produce RNA interference? This experiment was performed to test whether siRNA's are capable of RNAi in mammalian cell cultures. (The idea to test gene silencing on mammalian cells sparked from a petunia-darkening experiment.) To do this they synthesized siRNA duplexes against genes that coded for sea pansies and two variants of firefly luciferases. Luciferase is used because it emits light so it's easy to see if the genes are turned on or off, and by what degree. The luciferase activities were recorded 20 hours after transfection and it was seen that the specific inhibition of luciferase was complete, which is similar to the results obtained for dsRNA. In mammalian cells where the reporter genes were more strongly expressed, the ability of the siRNA to completely suppress the gene was reduced. Background Information So, what's with all these petunia flowers anyways? Gene Suppression Within Plants Plant scientists ... ...nderstanding of the significance of genes. Primarily, by silencing a given gene of the genome using a transfected siRNA, geneticists can quantifiably study the properties of the gene and the allele it encodes. This knowledge can then be applied to the pharmaceutical industry to identify "druggable" gene targets. Plants RNAi can be used for multiple purposes in plants. Among the most notable, it can be used to control insect viral vectors and improve the tolerance to pests and stress so that crops do not need to be destroyed regularly by insecticides. It can also cure plants by potentially eliminating toxins and allergens. Finally, RNAi employment can create perfection by extending flowering and fruit setting periods. References Duplexes of 21-nucleotide RNAs mediate RNA interference in cultured mammalian cells published in Nature (Vol. 411, 24 May 2001).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nurses with Addiction

Nursing is one of the most stressful careers in healthcare. Long hours of direct patient care take its toll emotionally and physically. While the profession is rewarding for most, the constant stress can become a catalyst for all kinds of self damaging behaviors. The American Nurses' Association estimates between ten and twenty percent of nurses will abuse drugs within the workplace at some point during his/her career (ANA, 2002). This percentage is similar to that of substance abusers within the general population. Due to the ease of access to narcotics on the job, it can be difficult to recognize a problem in the early stages. Only once the nurse’s activities have been suspected due to medication shortage or job performance problems can intervention be made. Professionals with addiction not only risk harming themselves and their career, but put their patients at an increased unnecessary risk of malpractice. Unfortunately in November 2009, four nurses in a local hospital were found to be stealing Morphine, Fentanyl, Dilaudid, and other narcotics during their shifts. All four nurses had been employed in various departments and were operating independently of each other. Each nurse was apprehended after being observed for strange behaviors and unauthorized Pixus medication station discrepancies. According to Dunn, psychiatric and oncology nurses have the highest likelihood for drug abuse due to the constant stress and emotional pressures associated with their careers (Dunn, 2005). The lowest instance of abuse occurs in Women’s Health and Pediatric nursing (NIH, 2003). It is unclear whether this rate is due to the nurse’s coping capabilities in such areas, or the lack of narcotics available on these types of care units. Aside from disobeying the loyalty of the workplace, these nurses have violated the Nursing Code of Ethics in relation to themselves, the hospital, and the patients. Within the Nursing Code of Ethics (ANA, 2001) nurses vow to: †¢Safeguard the client and the public when health care and safety are affected by the incompetent, unethical or illegal practice of any person. †¢Participate in the profession's effort to establish and maintain conditions of employment conducive to high quality nursing care. Maintain primary concern for the patient, whether an individual, family, group, or community Fortunately, there have been no reports thus far of malpractice or injuries with any of the patients under the direct care of these four individuals. Grave circumstances may have occurred if the situation had not been discovered promptly. When serious issues occur, Risk Management must work feverishly to investigate all the patient’s records to determine if any errors occurred regard ing their care. Risk Management also has the responsibility of investigating the claims against the nurses to prove or disprove validity. Only after the investigations are concluded can the Risk Management team work to repair the reputation of the hospital and its employees. As a result of this incident, workplace respect, reputation, and ethics have been violated at the expense of drug addiction. Nurses and other healthcare professionals have a responsibility to the patient’s and the workplace to uphold a standard of care that will not jeopardize the position of the hospital, its staff, the patients or the community. When serious issues occur, patients become judgmental of all providers and institutions. The profession and the organization’s reputation have suffered because of this incident. Being a healthcare provider myself, I do not understand how a nurse could not find any other coping mechanisms besides drug abuse. Although I am not a nurse, I deal with the same daily issues associated with direct patient care. As a professional, you are required to deal with situations outside of your beliefs and find avenues to vent your frustration, grief and stress without harming the patients, yourself, or the relationship between the two. I have not come across any colleagues that take a different ethical viewpoint than me regarding this situation. We all know that stealing medications from patients for personal use is wrong professional ly, personally and legally. Perhaps our lack of understanding is due to the inability to relate to those with drug addiction. All coworkers within an organization need to be educated to recognize potential issues of narcotic abuse within the workplace. Since healthcare professionals are able to hide some signs of abuse such as work absences, it may be more difficult to recognize a problem in the early stages. Some physical signs to be aware of include: irritability, forgetfulness, isolation, and decreased levels of motivation. Issues in personal life may also increase the chances of drug abuse, such as: stress, family problems, a previous history of mental illness, and a history of prior abuse (any type). Potential issues must be reported to the Nurse Manager as soon as possible. In order for the organization to protect the safety of its personnel and patients, ethical standards of practice must been routinely stressed within the workplace. Many institutions conduct annual competencies, in-services, and /or reviews to ensure employee commitment to maintaining and promoting an ethical work environment. Conclusion Drug abuse among workers will occur in any organization despite all efforts taken by coworkers, management and the organization as a whole. Drug abuse becomes a severe ethical issue once the life of another human being is jeopardized. Those in the healthcare field have a responsibility to maintain a standard of care to patients regardless of any personal issues occurring in his/her own life. When drug abuse occurs in a hospital setting, the potential for disaster increases dramatically. Not only is the safety of patients and coworkers compromised, so is the reputation of the hospital and the profession. All healthcare employees must be monitored by their employer to ensure workplace drug abuse is prevented, detected and extinguished before irreversible damage occurs. References: American Nurses Association (2001). Code of ethics for nurses. Retrieved from http://www. nursingworld. org/about/01action. htm. on December 11,2009. Dunn, D. (2005). Substance abuse among Nurses-defining the issue. Association of operating room nurses. (82) 592-596. Retrieved from Proquest December 10, 2009. National Institute of Health (2003). Retrieved from www. drugabuse. gov/infofacts/costs. html on December 10, 2009.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cultural Change

Organization Culture And Change Organizational culture – a popular but also a very complex concept – has been identified as an influential factor affecting the successes and failures of organizational change efforts. Organizational culture could be looked at as the pattern of shared valued, beliefs and assumptions considered being the appropriate way to think and act within an organization (Schneider, 1985).In other words, culture: the pattern of shared values, beliefs and assumptions considered to be the appropriate way to think and act within an organization. – Culture is shared – Culture helps members solve problems – Culture is taught to newcomers – Culture strongly influences behavior Generally, this shared culture is invisible to the employees and their interpretations are viewed as something unique to the individual—their personal opinions.People tend to surround themselves with others of like opinions and values, thus reinforci ng their common beliefs and expectations. Where does organization culture come from? It comes from the Organization founder, vision and mission statement, past practices, Top management attitude and behavior and through socialization – the process that helps employees adapt to the organization’s culture more quickly and effectively.People/ Employees of the organization learn culture through stories, narratives of significant events or actions of people that convey the spirit of the organization, rituals, repetitive sequences of activities that express and reinforce the values of the organization, material symbols, physical assets distinguishing the organization, language, acronyms and jargon of terms, phrases, and word meanings specific to an organization. Keeling (1981, p. 8), who offers that culture refers to an individual’s â€Å"theory of what his fellows know, believe and mean, his theory of the code being followed, the game being played, in the society in to which he was born†. In a similar framework, Geertz (1973) views culture as a symbolic system (i. e. , shared codes of meaning) that reflects understandings shared by social actors. These definitions all imply that culture affects ways members think, feel, and act. According to Henry Mintzberg, â€Å"Culture is the soul of the organization — the beliefs and values, and how they are manifested.I think of the structure as the skeleton, and as the flesh and blood. And culture is the soul that holds the thing together and gives it life force. † There fore, culture is the social glue that helps and holds an organization together by providing appropriate standards for what employees should say or do. People who have worked in different organizations agree that each organization is different from the other organization. Things are not done the same way in everywhere in the organization. Even businesses within the same industry can be quite different from each other.Th e difference is what management scholars call â€Å"organizational culture† or â€Å"corporate culture†. Therefore every organization has their own culture according to which they carry out their day-to-day activities and act and behave accordingly to it. Do Organizations have uniform culture? Schein (2009), Deal & Kennedy (2000), Kotter (1992) and many others state that organizations often have very differing cultures as well as subcultures. Dominant Culture: expresses the core values that are shared by a majority of the organization’s members.Subcultures: mini cultures within an organization, typically defined by department designations and geographical separation. Core Values: the primary or dominant values that are accepted throughout the organization. Strong Culture: a culture in which the core values are intensely held and widely shared. Organizational culture is therefore different from national culture or ethnic culture. The national culture in which the business is based can however have some influence on that business’s organizational culture. Smircich (1983) has analyzed different conceptions of organizational culture in relation to the anthropological schools.Organizational culture has been conceived either as a variable or as a root metaphor for conceptualizing organization. The studies can be divided into two areas; organizations have been regarded as cultures (‘is’ approach) or having a culture (‘has’ approach). It happens all too often. A company introduces changes with high expectations of improving performance. When the changes fail to take root and produce intended results, the unfulfilled hopes lead management to introduce other seemingly promising changes. These, too, ultimately fail.The sequence repeats—an unending cycle of high expectations followed by failure and, inevitably, frustration on the part of management and cynicism on the part of workers. There are several possible reasons for these failures. One key reason is that changes introduced fail to alter the fundamental psychology or ‘‘feel’’ of the organization to its members, it is this ‘‘feel’’ that directs and motivates employee efforts (Guzzo and Shea, 1992). Without changing this psychology, there can be no sustained change. The main point is: organizations have people in them; if the people do not change, there is no organizational change.Changes in hierarchy, technology, communication networks, and so forth are effective only to the degree that these structural changes are associated with changes in the psychology of employees. The primary mechanisms for both maintaining and changing an organization’s culture includes: 1. What managers pay attention to, measure and control? 2. The ways managers (particularly top management) react to critical incidents and organizational crises; 3. Managerial role modeling, teaching, and coaching; 4. T he criteria for allocating rewards and status; and . The criteria for recruitment, selection, promotion, and removal from the organization. Managers should expect to encounter difficulty in clearly understanding situations that involve change. Analyzing a change problem can become quite complex because of the large number of variables that must be considered since there’s no way to stop change from happening, there are several positive steps to make a change program successful, including opening channels of communication, developing a learning environment, and providing training.Even with open communication, careful planning, and extensive training, new program or idea may still meet with resistance. According to Schein, culture is the most difficult organizational attribute to change, outlasting organizational products, services, founders and leadership and all other physical attributes of the organization. His organizational model illuminates culture from the standpoint of the observer, described by three cognitive levels of organizational culture (Schein, 1992).Culture change may be necessary to reduce employee turnover, influence employee behavior, make improvements to the company, refocus the company objectives and/or rescale the organization, provide better customer service, and/or achieve specific company goals and results. Culture change is impacted by a number of elements, including the external environment and industry competitors, change in industry standards, technology changes, the size and nature of the workforce, and the organization’s history and management. 3-Step Model This is often cited as Lewin's key contribution to organizational change.However, it needs to be recognized that when he developed his 3-Step model Lewin was not thinking only of organizational issues. Nor did he intend it to be seen separately from the other three elements, which comprise his Planned approach to change (i. e. Field Theory, Group Dynamics and Acti on Research). Rather Lewin saw the four concepts as forming an integrated approach to analyzing, understanding and bringing about change at the group, organizational and societal levels. A successful change project, Lewin (1947a) argued, involved three steps: . Step 1: Unfreezing.Lewin believed that the stability of human behavior was based on a quasi-stationary equilibrium supported by a complex field of driving and restraining forces. He argued that the equilibrium need’s to be destabilized (unfrozen) before old behavior can be discarded (unlearnt) and new behavior successfully adopted. Given the type of issues that Lewin was addressing, as one would expect, he did not believe that change would be easy or that the same approach could be applied in all situations: The ‘unfreezing of the present level may involve quite different problems in different cases (Lewin, 1947a, p. 29). Enlarging on Lewin's ideas, (Schein (1996, p. 27) comments that the key to unfreezing Ã¢â‚¬Ë œ. .  . was to recognize that change, whether at the individual or group level, was a profound psychological dynamic process’. Schein (1996) identifies three processes necessary to achieve unfreezing: disconfirmation of the validity of the status quo, the induction of guilt or survival anxiety, and creating psychological safety. He argued that: ‘. .  . unless sufficient psychological safety is created, the disconfirming information will be denied or in other ways defended against, no survival anxiety will be felt. nd consequently, no change will take place’ (Schein, 1996, p. 61). In other words, those concerned have to feel safe from loss and humiliation before they can accept the new information and reject old behaviors. . Step 2: Moving. As Schein (1996, p. 62) notes, unfreezing is not an end in itself; it ‘. .  . creates motivation to learn but does not necessarily control or predict the direction’. This echoes Lewin's view that any attempt to predict or identify a specific outcome from Planned change is very difficult because of the complexity of the forces concerned.Instead, one should seek to take into account all the forces at work and identify and evaluate, on a trial and error basis, all the available options (Lewin, 1947a). However, as noted above, (Lewin (1947a) recognized that, without reinforcement, change could be short-lived. Step 3: Refreezing. This is the final step in the 3-Step model. Refreezing seeks to stabilize the group at a new quasi-stationary equilibrium in order to ensure that the new behaviors are relatively safe from regression.The main point about refreezing is that new behavior must be, to some degree, congruent with the rest of the behavior, personality and environment of the learner or it will simply lead to a new round of disconfirmation (Schein, 1996). This is why Lewin saw successful change as a group activity, because unless group norms and routines are also transformed, changes to ind ividual behavior will not be sustained. In organizational terms, refreezing often requires changes to organizational culture, norms, policies and practices (Cummings and Huse, 1989).It is more difficult to change the culture of an existing organization than to create a culture in a brand new organization. When an organizational culture is already established, people must unlearn the old values, assumptions, and behaviors before they can learn the new ones. The two most important elements for creating organizational cultural change are executive support and training. . Executive support: Executives in the organization must support the cultural change, and in ways beyond verbal support. They must show behavioral support for the cultural change. Executives must lead the change by changing their own behaviors.It is extremely important for executives to consistently support the change. Training: Culture change depends on behavior change. Members of the organization must clearly understan d what is expected of them, and must know how to actually do the new behaviors, once they have been defined. Training can be very useful in both communicating expectations and teaching new behaviors. Other components important in changing the culture of an organization are: Create value and belief statements: use employee focus groups, by department, to put the mission, vision, and values into words that state their impact on each employee's job.For one job, the employee stated: â€Å"I live the value of quality patient care by listening attentively whenever a patient speaks. † This exercise gives all employees a common understanding of the desired culture that actually reflects the actions they must commit to on their jobs. Practice effective communication: keeping all employees informed about the organizational culture change process ensures commitment and success. Telling employees what is expected of them is critical for effective organizational culture change.Review orga nizational structure: changing the physical structure of the company to align it with the desired organizational culture may be necessary. As an example, in a small company, four distinct business units competing for product, customers, and internal support resources, may not support the creation of an effective organizational culture. These units are unlikely to align to support the overall success of the business. Redesign organization approach to rewards and recognition: needs to change the reward system to encourage the behaviors vital to the desired organizational culture.Review all work systems such as employee promotions, pay practices, performance management, and employee selection to make sure they are aligned with the desired culture. Hofstede (1980) looked for global differences between over 100,000 of IBM's employees in 50 different countries and three regions of the world, in an attempt to find aspects of culture that might influence business behavior. He suggested abou t cultural differences existing in regions and nations, and the importance of international awareness and multiculturalism for the own cultural introspection.Cultural differences reflect differences in thinking and social action, and even in â€Å"mental programs†, a term Hofstede uses for predictable behavior. Hofstede relates culture to ethnic and regional groups, but also organizations, profession, family, to society and subcultural groups, national political systems and legislation, etc. Hofstede suggests of the need of changing â€Å"mental programs† with changing behavior first which will lead to value change and he suggests that however certain groups like Jews, Gypsies and Basques have maintained their identity through centuries without changing.Hofstede demonstrated that there are national and regional cultural groupings that affect the behavior of organizations and identified four dimensions of culture (later five in his study of national cultures: Power dist ance (Mauk Mulder, 1977) – Different societies find different solutions on social inequality. Although invisible, inside organizations power inequality of the â€Å"boss-subordinates relationships† is functional and according to Hofstede reflects the way inequality is addressed in the society. According to Mulder's Power Distance Reduction theory subordinates will try to reduce the power distance between themselves and their bosses and bosses will try to maintain or enlarge it†, but there is also a degree to which a society expects there to be differences in the levels of power. A high score suggests that there is an expectation that some individuals wield larger amounts of power than others. A low score reflects the view that all people should have equal rights. . Uncertainty avoidance is the coping with uncertainty about the future.Society copes with it with technology, law and religion (however different societies have different ways to addressing it), and acc ording to Hofstede organizations deal with it with technology, law and rituals or in two ways – rational and non-rational, where rituals being the non-rational. Hofstede listed as rituals the memos and reports, some parts of the accounting system, large part of the planning and control systems, and the nomination of experts. . Individualism vs. collectivism – disharmony of interests on personal and collective goals (Parsons and Shils, 1951).Hofstede brings that society's expectations of Individualism/ Collectivism will be reflected by the employee inside the organization. Collectivist societies will have more emotional dependence of members on their organizations, when in equilibrium – organization is expected to show responsibility on members. . Masculinity vs. femininity – reflect whether certain society is predominantly male or female in terms of cultural values, gender roles and power relations. . Long- Versus Short-Term Orientation which Hofstede des cribes as â€Å"The long-term orientation dimension can be interpreted as dealing with society’s search for virtue.Societies with a short-term orientation generally have a strong concern with establishing the absolute truth. They are normative in their thinking. They exhibit great respect for traditions, a relatively small propensity to save for the future, and a focus on achieving quick results. In societies with a long-term orientation, people believe that truth depends very much on situation, context and time. They show an ability to adapt traditions to changed conditions, a strong propensity to save and invest, thriftiness, and perseverance in achieving results. Conclusion: Employees form an overall subjective perception of the organization based on such factors as degree of risk tolerance, team emphasis, and support of people. This overall perception becomes, in effect, the organization’s culture or personality. These favorable or unfavorable perceptions then aff ect employee performance and satisfaction, with the impact being greater for stronger cultures. Just as people’s personalities tend to be stable over time, so too do strong cultures. This makes strong cultures difficult for managers to change.One of the more important managerial implications of organizational culture relates to selection decisions. Hiring individuals whose values don't align with those of the organization is not good. An employee's performance depends to a considerable degree on knowing what he should or should not do. Changing the organizational culture requires time, commitment, planning and proper execution – but it can be done. References: Henry Mintzberg Cultural and Environmental School of Thought culled www. mbaknol. com accessed Thursday11th April 2013. Geertz, C. (1973). The interpretation of culture. New York: Basic Books.Keeling, R. M. (1981). Theories of culture. In R. W. Casson (Ed. ), Language, culture and cognition (pp. 42- 66). New York : Macmillan. CHAPTER FORTY-ONE Creating a Climate and Culture for Sustainable Organizational Change Benjamin Schneider Arthur P. Brief Richard A. Guzzo (1996) Accessed on Thursday 11th April, 2013 http://media. johnwiley. com. au/product_ancillary/64/04702605/DOWNLOAD/chapter41. pdf B. Schneider, ‘‘Organizational Behavior,’’ Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 36, pp. 573–611, 1985. R. A. Guzzo and G. P. Shea, ‘‘Group Performance and Intergroup Relations in Organizations,’’ in M.D. Dunnette and L. M. Hough (eds. ), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd ed. , Vol. 3 (Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press, 1992). Smircich, L. (1983): Concepts of Culture and Organizational Analysis. Administrative Science Quarterly: 28(3). Pp. 339-358. . . Cummings, T. G. and Huse, E. F. (1989). Organization Development and Change, 4th edition. St Paul, MN: West Publishing. Cummings, T. G. and Worley, C. G. (1997). Org anization Development and Change, 6th edition. Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing. . Deal T. E. and Kennedy, A. A. 1982, 2000) Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals of Corporate Life, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1982; reissue Perseus Books, 2000 . . Hofstede, Geert (1980) Culture's Consequences: International Differences in Work Related Values, Beverly Hills, CA, Sage Publications, reprinted 1984 . . Kotter, John and Heskett, James L. (1992) Corporate Culture and Performance, Free Press; ISBN 0-02-918467-3 . . Lewin, K. (1946). ‘Action research and minority problems’. In Lewin, G. W. (Ed. ), Resolving Social Conflict. London: Harper & Row. . . Lewin, K. (1947a). ‘Frontiers in group dynamics’.In Cartwright, D. (Ed. ), Field Theory in Social Science. London: Social Science Paperbacks. . Mulder, Mauk (1977) The daily power game, Martinus Nijhoff Social Sciences Division Parsons, Talcott, Shils, Edward (1951), Toward a General Theory of Acti on, reprinted as Parsons, Talcott, Shils, Tolman, Stouffer and Kluckhohn et al. , Toward a General Theory of Action: Theoretical foundations of the Social Sciencies, Transaction Publishers, 2001 Ravasi, D. , Schultz, M. (2006), â€Å"Responding to organizational identity threats: exploring the role of organizational culture†, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 433–458. Schein, E. H. (1996). ‘Kurt Lewin's change theory in the field and in the classroom: notes towards a model of management learning’. Systems Practice, 9, 1, 27–47. Shein, Edgar (1992). Organizational Culture and Leadership: A Dynamic View. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. p. 9. How to Change Your Culture: Organizational Culture  Change You Can Transform Your Culture With Conscious  Steps By Susan M. Heathfield, About. com Guide http://humanresources. about. com/od/organizationalculture/a/culture_change. htm

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Case Study Analysis †Chapter 6 Essay Example

Case Study Analysis – Chapter 6 Essay Example Case Study Analysis – Chapter 6 Essay Case Study Analysis – Chapter 6 Essay Case Study Analysis – Chapter 6 Name: Institution: Date: Case Study Analysis – Chapter 6 This chapter deals with the need for healthcare professionals to monitor and police themselves, to ensure that they are following the ethical policies and procedures they have established. The chapter highlights some of the reasons that cause ethical problems within health institutions, and among healthcare professionals. It looks at the role that health institutions and health professionals have in maintaining quality in the provision of healthcare. It deals with the issue of whistle blowers, who often come from among the professionals. The chapter identifies ways that a person can go about solving an ethical problem, before resulting to denouncing the issue publicly. Hospitals should formulate policies that will take care of the health professionals working at the institution by ensuring that they do not have to work under unfavorable and compromising conditions, while at the same time protect the mission of the institution The chapter highlights and discusses some ethical problem s. Healthcare institutions have to make difficult decisions in the course of their operations. They have to ensure that they provide affordable healthcare, remain profitable, compete with others in the market, and at the same time ensure that they provide quality healthcare to the patients. This can present ethical problems, as the professionals strive to create a balance. Another ethical problem is that the board or the hospital administrators have to find the right ways of dealing with professionals who have ethical problems, yet these professionals have a lot of influence to the organization. The other ethical problem presented concerns the issue of staffing. In an aim to reduce costs in the hospital, the administrators may sometimes feel the need of employing unlicensed personnel to the posts of nurses, and they will fire registered nurses. The registered nurses earn more than the unlicensed nurses do. When the administration takes such an action, it will mean that the registere d nurse may have to take on the responsibility of being a supervisor, to people who are not qualified for the position. Mrs. Lewis acted correctly when she reported the matter. She gathered the evidence required to present her case, before making her allegations. This particular case did not require her to follow any chain of command, since she was not dealing with issues related to her hospital directly. She followed the requirements of the state laws, which were to report any such incidences to the Welfare Bureau of Inspection. Had Mrs. Lewis not been able to afford a lawyer, she would have gone through the chain of command, and in this case, she would have talked to the director of nursing and told her about the situation with the administrator. Together, they would have found a solution to their problem. Whistle blowers can protect themselves by being anonymous. Power is an important consideration when dealing with health care ethics. Many health care institutions are concerned with ensuring that they remain reputable within the industry. Because of this, they appoint different boards to deal with emerging problems at the hospitals. They expect a person with a complaint to take it to the relevant people in the hospital, and deal with the problem in-house, ensuring that the institution retains its image. The various boards have the power to deal with these problems before they escalate and cause other problems to the institutions. The motive that the whistle blower has can change the nature of whistle blowing. Some people might decide to denounce an institution or a colleague publicly, without consulting or reporting the matter to the relevant people in the institution. This may be as a way of seeking revenge for something, or as a way of seeking financial compensation. The whistle blower might not even be interested in the patients’ conditions. I do not think that 10% is a fair reward, considering the risks that the whistle blower is taking. By blow ing the whistle, the accuser faces the risk of retaliation, which may come from the accused or his or her colleagues. The colleagues may shun the accusers and scorn them. They may treat the accusers with indifferences since they feel that the accusers have betrayed them. The administration may also retaliate in terms of creating unfavorable conditions for the accuser to work, such as giving the accuser tough working shifts. In addition, the accuser may face countercharges, and he or she ends up using a lot of money in defense. Response to part 3 Many nurses would like to act ethically, and they would want to report incidences of illegal practices. The nurses should be confident in their employers, and they should trust them to make the right decision. They can make their case stronger, if they had the means to gather evidence, which they can then present to the board, their employers, and any other relevant authorities. Many people want to act ethically, and only a few people are involved in unethical practices. The more many people are aware of the illegal practices in the institution, the more the board or the governing body of the institution will be forced to act on the cases. Reference: Garrett, T. M., Baillie, H. W., Garrett, R. M. (2010). Health care ethics: Principles and problems. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Planet Mercury as a School Science Fair Project

The Planet Mercury as a School Science Fair Project Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, and this makes it unique in our solar system. There are many interesting facts about this planet, and it is the perfect topic for a school science fair project. Middle and high school students can take a science fair project about Mercury in a number of directions. The display can be interactive and include a model of the planet, as well as amazing space photographs. Why Is Mercury Special? A science fair is meant to be a students exploration of a single science topic, and Mercury is often overlooked when it comes to the planets. In fact, it is a planet that we know very little about. In 2008, NASAs Messenger spacecraft sent back some of the first images of the planet since the 1970s, and it just crashed on the planet in 2015. The pictures and data scientists collected from this mission makes now a better time than ever to study Mercury at a science fair. Mercury and the Sun A day on Mercury lasts longer than the time it takes the planet to revolve once around the Sun. If you were standing near Mercurys equator: the Sun would appear to rise, then briefly set again, before resuming its path across the sky. During this time, the size of the Sun in the sky would seem to grow and shrink as well. The same pattern would repeat as the sun set - it would dip below the horizon, briefly rise again, then return below the horizon. Mercury Science Fair Project Ideas What is Mercurys place in the solar system? Build a scale model of our solar system to show where Mercury is and how big it is in comparison to other planets.What are the features of Mercury? Could the planet sustain some kind of life? Why or why not?What is Mercury made of? Explain the core and the atmosphere of the planet and relate those elements to things we find on Earth.How does Mercury orbit the sun? Explain the forces at work when the planet orbits the sun. What keeps it in place? Is it moving further away?What would a day look like if you were standing on Mercury? Design an interactive display or video that shows people how the light would change.What did NASAs Messenger mission to Mercury find? In 2011, the Messenger spacecraft reached Mercury and gave us a new look at the planet. Explore the findings or the instruments used to send them back to Earth.Why does Mercury look like our moon? Examine the craters of Mercury, including the one named for John Lennon and the one mad e when Messenger crashed there in 2015.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

20 Common Law Internship On-Campus Interview Questions

20 Common Law Internship On-Campus Interview Questions The on-campus interview (OCI): It has an ominous ring to it, maybe because of horror stories told by other law school students, maybe because of the pressure to do well. Almost all law schools offer some type of on-campus interview at the start of the students second year. Although your entire future may not hang on the success of your OCI, you definitely want to do well enough to proceed to the next step: the callback interview. If you manage that, your future will indeed be brighter.   You can do this, and you can do it well. In fact, you can ace it with the right preparation and if you know what to expect going in. The OCI Despite its name, the OCI may or may not actually take place on campus, but in a hotel conference room or another public facility. Its not with law school personnel, but rather with representatives of some of the foremost law firms in the area- even some outside the area. Theyre looking for the perfect students to staff their summer associate programs. And yes, that will look awesome on your resume even if your interview doesnt ultimately result in a summer  position, which is, of course, your ultimate goal.   Your meetings arent random. You must apply to your targeted firms first, and the firm will most likely receive a lot of bids. The firm then chooses who it wants to interview from among these bids. If youre chosen and if you do well, youll be invited back for that callback interview, which will most likely result in a summer job offer.   What Happens in the Law School Interview? Preparation means knowing what interview questions you can probably expect. Not every interview goes the same way, of course, so you may or may not be asked all the following questions. In a worst-case scenario, you wont be asked any of them. But you should at least have answers prepared for these so youre not caught off guard, and you can use them for ideas to branch out into other possible questions so you can prepare for those, too.   Why did you go to law school?Are you enjoying law school? What do you like/dislike about it?What classes do you enjoy/dislike?Do you feel youre getting a good legal education?If you could go back and decide whether to go to law school again, would you do it?Do you feel your GPA and/or class rank is representative of your legal abilities?Why do you think youd make a good lawyer?What is your biggest weakness?Do you like working on your own or on a team?How do you handle criticism?What is your proudest achievement?Where do you see yourself in 10 years?Do you consider yourself competitive?What have you learned from work experiences/student activities?Have you ever withdrawn from a class?What do you know about this firm?Why do you want to work at this firm?What areas of law interest you most?What types of books do you like to read?Do you have any questions? The last one can be tricky, but you are certainly entitled to ask a few questions of your own, so prepare for that possibility as well.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances between the Executive and Term Paper

Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances between the Executive and Judicial Branch - Term Paper Example It will be argued that while there are some limitations in the Executive/Judiciary relation, these limitations are also anticipated and addressed by further checks and balances. The roots of the balance of powers, lies with the American father's concern with factionalism. The Federalist papers, which numbered eighty-five, were written as theoretical defense's of the amendments to the Constitution, and they represent the justification for the notion of a 'balance of powers'. Federalist paper number ten specifically deals with the question of "factions", and was written by James Madison (Epstein 102). The most concise definition of a faction, might be phrased as a group with a central and discernible purpose, who are perceived to threaten the structures and powers of that which is protected or enshrined in the Constitution. In particular, the largest threat is articulated in terms of the potential dangers of those who advocate the "abolition of debts, for an equal division of property, or for any other improper or wicked project" [Boller 71], which is what he describes as the "most common and durable source" of factions [Boller 69]. Because Madison thinks liberty ought to be protected, and because he claims that dissension is "sown in the nature of man" [Boller 69]-- that is, people who are contrary will always exist, Madison advocates that one cannot remove the "causes", but instead one can only "control the effects" [Boller 70]. That is, if the causes are liberty and one does not want to remove liberty, then, one cannot control the causes. And, if dissension or difference is natural in humans, and one cannot remove an aspect of human nature, then, one cannot in this sense remove this causal aspect either. By a Republic as opposed to a democracy, Madison simply implies that representatives of the people as opposed to the people themselves are those who control the political spectrum. And, as representatives he claims that these figures will (in theory) be those who embody "wisdom", "patriotism", and a "love of justice" [Boller 70]. The American form of government is that of a ‘republic’, and it is the principal means by which the constitutional fathers thought that single factions could be challenged. This is marked by a number of variables which are written into the American Constitution which ensures the ‘Balance of Powers’. In brief, the balance is broken down into the ‘executive’, ‘legislative’ and ‘judicial’ branches [Woll 4]. And, there is a balance between these branches with respect to passing or accepting legislative bills. In the United States, the President and every member of both houses is elected for a fixed term: the President for four years, the senators for six (one-third retiring every two years), the members of the House of Representatives for two [Schmidt, Shelley Bards and Ford 68]. The only way to get rid of a president before the end of the four-year te rm is to impeach him (her), which is very hard to do, and has never been done and only twice even attempted. As the President, the senators and the representatives are elected for different periods, it can happen, and often does, that the President belongs to one party while the opposing party has a majority in either the Senate or the House of Representatives or both. So for years on end, the President may find his (her)

Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Democracy - Essay Example Democracy has certain salient characteristics to it that makes it the most favorite and also distinguishes it from other forms of governments and rulings. Elections are held after a constant time period mostly four to five years. The prime minister is the head of state in a democratic state. A republic state is one where the President enjoys more power and authority than the Prime Minister. The rules of business are devised through a constitution which is either in written form or in oral. Parliament is the place where representatives of the people gather and discuss the local and national issues. Local parliaments are in place on state and province level. This is one of the dominant forms of government across the world. With nearly three fourth of the countries on earth being democratic. It is considered as sign of the freedom and level prosperity. The relatively progressive nations of the world are stressing for implementation of democracy in those parts of the world where dictator ship and non representative form of government is in place. India is the country with second largest population and is the largest democracy. The notable feature of Indian democracy is the fact that it has never been derailed by the forceful overthrow of the dictators and Army unlike many countries. One of the centre of attractions in Southern Asia and came into existence in 1947 along side its neighbor Pakistan with whom the ties have never been too friendly. The last elections were held in 2009. Member of the Sikh community Manmohan Singh is the prime minister of the country and represents the Congress party. Though the rising population is a serious concern yet, the stable state of institutions and direct election of people’s representatives holds the key to the progress of nation. With the economy on the rise, India is strong contender for becoming one of the might of Asia in coming years with development in the field of science and technology and education. Democracy has a considerable role in the entire state of India as it stands currently. Tunisia is situated in Africa on the coasts of Mediterranean Sea and remained a colony of France until 1950s. However it did not get to have taste of democracy for nearly three decades and was under the reign of Habib Bourguiba. He was followed by Zine al Abidine Ben Ali. His extensive rule came to an end in 2011 when an interim government was put in place. Much is expected of the interim set up with regard to hopes for a true democracy that would be representative of the wishes of the people of Tunisia. Venezuela is situated in South America. The country is rich in natural resources, mostly the oil, coal and gold. Having mentioned the natural resources, the bulk of the population still lives below the poverty line and inflation is on a constant rise. The country and its people still aspire for a true democracy with hopes of improvement in lifestyle and living, however much to the contrary the leaders most not ably the president himself is aiming at a new form of socialism. Hugo Chavez is the leader who is the lone dominant force of the entire scenario. It has been under the influence of the socialist states of the world, and most notably the former Soviet Union. The relations are quite sour on the international front, especially with the United States of America that consider the president a serious threat towards the internal stability of Venezuela and the freedom and prosperity of the people of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Microeconmoics problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Microeconmoics problems - Essay Example When the first customer is admitted, the marginal benefit ($15.25) exceeds the marginal cost of that customer ($14). When the second customer is admitted, the marginal benefit of $15.25 received exceeds the marginal cost of $14.5 of admitting the second customer. Similarly, when the third customer is admitted, the marginal benefit ($15.25) of admitting the third customer exceeds the marginal cost ($15). However, if the fourth customer is admitted, marginal cost ($15.5) exceeds the marginal benefit ($15.25). Hence 3 customers should be admitted per hour to earn an optimum profit. b) If the price of one-hour workout is increased to $16.25, five customers should be admitted. If more than 5 customers are admitted, marginal cost will exceed marginal benefit. Question 8: a) The cost of taking an additional class for Lauren $20. The optimal number of classes should be where the marginal benefit of taking a class exceeds its marginal cost. When Lauren takes 1 class, her marginal benefit ($23 ) exceeds the marginal cost ($20). But if Lauren takes the second class, her marginal cost of $20 exceeds the marginal benefit of $19. Hence Lauren’s optimal number of karate class per week is one. b) Georgia’s optimal number of karate classes per week is 2 since when she takes two classes; her marginal benefit of $22 exceeds her marginal cost of $20. Question 12: The following table shows the marginal cost and marginal benefit De Beers receive at each quantity of diamond produced: Quantity of Diamonds Total benefit ($) Marginal Benefit ($) Total cost ($) Marginal cost ($) 0 0 0 0 0 1 1000 1000 50 50 2 1900 900 100 50 3 2700 800 200 100 4 3400 700 400 200 5 4000 600 800 400 6 4500 500 1500 700 7 4900 400 2500 1000 8 5200 300 3800 1300 As shown above, De Beers marginal cost of producing the sixth diamond exceeds the marginal revenue received. Hence De Beers should produce five diamonds as this is the optimal quantity of diamonds De Beers should produce to maximize its t otal gain. The above graph shows that De Beers should produce 5 diamonds. If De Beers produce more than 5 diamonds, the marginal cost will exceed the marginal benefit which will reduce the overall benefit of De Beers. c) The following table shows that De Beers earns the gains the highest when 5 diamonds are produced. De Beers’ highest net gain is $3200 if 5 diamonds are produced. Total benefit ($) Total cost ($) Net gain ($) 0 0 0 1000 50 950 1900 100 1800 2700 200 2500 3400 400 3000 4000 800 3200 4500 1500 3000 4900 2500 2400 5200 3800

BusinessMGT Unit1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

BusinessMGT Unit1 - Assignment Example Business Management Unit 1: Part 1 Introduction The function of job organization and information is a crucial offshoot of the organization structure that effectively delineates the different departments, divisions, sections and units in the light of the organization’s philosophy, resources and needs. A job description details the content of the job, specifically the nature of the job, the person the worker is responsible to, accountabilities, competencies and skills requirements, among others (Martires, 2004, 108). Given that the vice president for services requires a detailed presentation of the job description of a manager to be recruited for the services division, the essay hereby details the requirement. Job Description o a Manager of the Services Division Position: Manager, Services Division, assists the Vice President in the performance of management services functions and understands the organization’s practices and competently delivers outputs consistent with fu nctions expected of a manager. Characteristics and Experience Required: 1. Must be at least a Master’s Degree in Business Administration preferably with strong service background; with at least 3 years experience in a Service oriented organization. 2. With good moral character and exhibiting exemplary conceptual, communication, effectiveness, and interpersonal skills. 3. Must have knowledge of theories, principles and practices of managing a service organization with than 3 years experience in planning, organizing, leading, and controlling a new service department to provide excellent customer service. 4. Must have the ability to manage projects and programs by designing an interplay of activities consistent with the maintenance of a conducive working environment for the service personnel; must motivate subordinates towards the accomplishment of goals; must effectively coordinate requirements of various stakeholders and to recommend alternative courses of action to authorized higher management personnel for required decisions making processes. 5. Must be mature and dependable in all situations, aggressive with sincere desire further one’s professional career in the organization; flexible in working under different working conditions; possesses the highest degree of integrity and discipline and resourceful in undertaking assignments and projects, as necessary. Duties and Responsibilities 1. Directs and manages the service department into the development of strategies towards the accomplishment of plans, objectives and goals pursuant to policies and procedures; actively develops schedules, budgets, proposals and plans to comply with required programs; assigned duties, tasks and responsibilities of personnel; performs performance appraisals and evaluation of personnel; monitors the compliance to programs and the level of accomplishments of projects as planned; coordinates all activities with external agencies; prepares business continuity and emerge ncy plans and procedures; reviews required documentary reports and advises senior management, as required; actively involved in problem-solving, troubleshooting, conflict resolution and decision-making, as needed. 2. Coordinates with various stakeholders in terms of activities of the new department in terms of utilization of resources and the need to use funds, as proposed. 3. Reviews and updates policies, procedures and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Case Study Example Underlying pathology and admission to ED Mrs. S was admitted to the hospital post fall, from bed to floor, complaining of severe pain on her left leg. She got unable to stand or bend due to her left leg. From her past history, Mrs. S became placed on a five leads cardiac monitor and her blood samples got taken. Her chest, pelvis and left hip x-ray got organised. The results obtained indicated her chest x-ray as clear, but with complete dislocation of the femoral prosthesis from the acetabular cup. Multiple dislodge metallic wiring also got noted. She then got diagnosed as having a dislocated left prosthetic hip which was reduced by gentle traction in ED. Goals of treatment The goals of treating Mrs S dislocated left prosthetic hip got set as; relieving her from pain, help her hip joint work better, and improving her walking and other movements (Kneale & Davis, 2005). Like other patients who suffer from hip dislocation, Mrs S undergoes groin and hip pain. Her pain emanates from her co mplete dislocation of her femoral prostheses from the acetabular cup. The treatment intends to reduce and control the pain. It is vital that Mrs S got provided with pain medication. Once this goal becomes achieved, the patient can undergo the rest of the medication process in a relaxed state. Another aim of her treatment was to get Mrs S left prosthetic hip to work better. Through gentle traction, Mrs S left hip prostheses should get back to its anatomical position in the acetabular. Once this repositioning gets achieved, Mrs S hip would get back to perform its range of muscular movement operations. The treatment focuses on stretching and strengthening the muscles that surround the hip joint. This allows the hip to gain back its strength and motion. When repositioning of the dislocated left hip prosthesis gets achieved, Mrs S should get to improve her walking and other movements. The goal of the treatment is to allow Mrs S to participate in activities such as walking. Increasing the patient’s mobility will allow her to live a more fulfilling life. The aforementioned treatment goals for Mrs S got achieved through providence of pain medication and gentle traction (Kneale & Davis, 2005). After evaluation of her pain, Mrs S got administered with sufficient analgesia. While at the ED, the patient got administered with intravenous morphine to relieve her off her pain. To improve her mobility and relocate her dislocated prosthesis, gentle traction of the leg with mild sedation helped to achieve the goals (Valle, 2010). Role of technology The first technology employed in the treatment of Mrs S was the 5 lead cardiac monitor. The cardiac monitor got used as part of the patient’s physical examination tests (Marx et al, 2010). This monitor got used to test and check for problems with the electrical activity of the patient’s heart. This monitor translates the hearts electrical activity into waves on a paper. The 5 lead cardiac monitor got used in the treatment of the patient to check if her heart’s electrical activity was okay. The monitor helps to indicate whether the electrical impulse within the heart gets conducted normally. The use of X ray technology on Mrs S’s chest, pelvis and left hip assists to provide the internal structure of these parts of the

Nursing and assessment on preparing our aged care facility for Essay

Nursing and assessment on preparing our aged care facility for accreditation - Essay Example These specialties are specifically made in order to provide a specific type of care that these demographics can and will require. These specialties also mean that in order for facilities to be allowed to provide care for certain demographics, they will need to be certified. This paper focuses on healthcare for the elderly population provided by our institution. In the past, our elderly healthcare institution has had difficulty in getting certified in 3.9: Choice and decision making for the elderly demographic. This paper’s purpose and main focus is to provide key information and important feed back on this particular issue in order to prepare the institution and its staff for 3.9: Choice and decision making certification. First, this paper will provide background information on certain topics pertaining to the elderly demographic, as well as provide nursing assessment for an elderly person. After this, the paper will detail some key features specifically pertaining to the area that the institution needs improvement on. This will be noted in order to help the institution’s nurse practitioners to better understand the concept of choice and decision making. The paper will present this information as: What is aging and what is the aging process? Assessment of an aged person. What is consumer participation? What does it entail? Barriers that hinder or impact the facility’s ability to meet standard 3.9: Choice and decision making. How to break through the mentioned barriers and how a quality framework can be used to show improvement. Conclusion What is aging and what are the common aging symptoms? Aging is a natural process that happens very commonly. According to the medical dictionary, â€Å"Human beings reach a peak of growth and development around the time of their mid 20s. Aging is the normal transition time after that flurry of activity.† The dictionary entry goes on to tell us that during this later half of life, the body becomes mo re prone to wear and tear, as well as be more susceptible to illness. (The free dictionary, 2012) This gives us a good basis as to what we can expect an aged person to be affected with, as well as what he or she may be experiencing. This also tells us about what to expect in terms of interactions with them. The process by which a person ages differs for each individual. Each person can age in a slightly different manner from everyone else, but there are general descriptions or processes about aging that is common amongst everyone. According to, the aging process happens all over the body. The pace may be different for each individual but everyone ages. (2012). Here are some of common aging signs mentioned in the article: Weakening of connective tissue in the bladder, making it harder to store urine Loss of weight between ages 55-75 due to loss of lean muscle mass Bones become brittle Gradual loss of brain tissue In women, decrease in the size of breasts due to dec rease in the size of mammary glands Gradual loss of the ability to hear higher frequencies Skin wrinkles Hair thins and grays out Decrease in hormone output The body’s immune system becomes weaker Slower metabolism Decreased ability to smell Slower mental and physical response Women go through menopause Decreased sense of taste What is consumer participation? What does it entail? This section is dedicated to understanding what consumer participation is, why it is important in relation to the paper’s end goal of preparing the institution for accreditation, and how it can be applied to the day-to-day situation of the nursing care practitioners. According to, in essence, consumer participation entails getting the patient involved in choosing what he feels would be

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Case Study Example Underlying pathology and admission to ED Mrs. S was admitted to the hospital post fall, from bed to floor, complaining of severe pain on her left leg. She got unable to stand or bend due to her left leg. From her past history, Mrs. S became placed on a five leads cardiac monitor and her blood samples got taken. Her chest, pelvis and left hip x-ray got organised. The results obtained indicated her chest x-ray as clear, but with complete dislocation of the femoral prosthesis from the acetabular cup. Multiple dislodge metallic wiring also got noted. She then got diagnosed as having a dislocated left prosthetic hip which was reduced by gentle traction in ED. Goals of treatment The goals of treating Mrs S dislocated left prosthetic hip got set as; relieving her from pain, help her hip joint work better, and improving her walking and other movements (Kneale & Davis, 2005). Like other patients who suffer from hip dislocation, Mrs S undergoes groin and hip pain. Her pain emanates from her co mplete dislocation of her femoral prostheses from the acetabular cup. The treatment intends to reduce and control the pain. It is vital that Mrs S got provided with pain medication. Once this goal becomes achieved, the patient can undergo the rest of the medication process in a relaxed state. Another aim of her treatment was to get Mrs S left prosthetic hip to work better. Through gentle traction, Mrs S left hip prostheses should get back to its anatomical position in the acetabular. Once this repositioning gets achieved, Mrs S hip would get back to perform its range of muscular movement operations. The treatment focuses on stretching and strengthening the muscles that surround the hip joint. This allows the hip to gain back its strength and motion. When repositioning of the dislocated left hip prosthesis gets achieved, Mrs S should get to improve her walking and other movements. The goal of the treatment is to allow Mrs S to participate in activities such as walking. Increasing the patient’s mobility will allow her to live a more fulfilling life. The aforementioned treatment goals for Mrs S got achieved through providence of pain medication and gentle traction (Kneale & Davis, 2005). After evaluation of her pain, Mrs S got administered with sufficient analgesia. While at the ED, the patient got administered with intravenous morphine to relieve her off her pain. To improve her mobility and relocate her dislocated prosthesis, gentle traction of the leg with mild sedation helped to achieve the goals (Valle, 2010). Role of technology The first technology employed in the treatment of Mrs S was the 5 lead cardiac monitor. The cardiac monitor got used as part of the patient’s physical examination tests (Marx et al, 2010). This monitor got used to test and check for problems with the electrical activity of the patient’s heart. This monitor translates the hearts electrical activity into waves on a paper. The 5 lead cardiac monitor got used in the treatment of the patient to check if her heart’s electrical activity was okay. The monitor helps to indicate whether the electrical impulse within the heart gets conducted normally. The use of X ray technology on Mrs S’s chest, pelvis and left hip assists to provide the internal structure of these parts of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Medical Incident in nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Medical Incident in nursing - Essay Example However, in today's world, where the scientific world has come of age in its standing vis--vis disease care and prevention, subsidiary issues have emerged that are considered to be of prime importance in the realm of health care. The changes in society and life all around the world have brought about considerable changes in the lifestyles of people. Similarly, the profession of health care has seen its development through the ages, and many additional factors like ethical, legal and professional concerns need to be understood better. The learning outcomes associated with this course are crucially linked to the integral understand of clinical issues and practice. This paper in turn shall go a long way in reestablishing the norms that were to be established by the goals for this course. Understand the domain of every prong individually is of vital importance: As was mentioned earlier, knowledge of legal issues to the cause of clinical practice has now become imperative. Though universal laws for humanitarianism and morality remain constant for humans, yet there are certain legal implications that are different for certain countries and even states within countries. It must be understood by a practitioner, that the legal clauses are not a matter of burden, but actually a facilitating and binding factor that ensures that the provision of health care would be unequivocal and just for all. It is further understood, as to how can a certain health care provider find oneself in a tight corner due to legal concerns, simply due to lack of awareness, and mere complexity of the science of medical health. b) Recognizing and supporting the pivotal role of documentation in clinical practice The current face of health care is largely a product of the advancement made during and after the World Wars. However, despite the magnitude and quality of work that was done at that time, the obvious constraint due to the war was that a systematic procedure for providing health care cannot be established. Much has changed since then, and the corporate face of the organizations in the changing world has brought about a new shape to the domain of clinical practice. With the inception of concepts like quality and the ISO standards, what the world of today has realized, is that documentation, for any system of work, is not only essential, but is a must. This assignment has gone a long way to establish all this. Specifically focusing on the ethical, legal and professional issues, it has enabled to understand all the paraphernalia that are associated with the direct science of health care. Documentation is as important as giving of medicine to the patient. No scientific treatment in the contemporary world is possible with out the necessary documentation throughput the process. Archival record, current and past medications, and future preventions, all are possible simply because of efficient records. c) Recognizing and analyzing legal, ethical, political and professional issues Though the importance and significance of the three major issues has been established, yet appropriate working with these concerns in minds is still easier said than done. For a new practitioner, it is extremely important to

Monday, October 14, 2019

Pursuing Happiness Essay Example for Free

Pursuing Happiness Essay We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness All men are created equal, but are we all really treated equal? As of January 2013, nine states — Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, and Washington — have legalized same-sex marriage. Thats a mere 5.5% of the nation, whereas countries such as Canada, Netherlands, Spain, South Africa and Sweden have already granted full marital status to same-sex couples and other countries (France, Columbia, the UK, Taiwan, etc. ) have pending bills to legalize it as well. We are a leading nation in the world, we should be setting an example. So why are we so behind on this important matter? It is hit by a number issues, many of which are religion-based. Personally, I do not follow any religion but I respect the belief of others because I wouldnt like someone to insult something I believe in and thus I wouldnt do the same to another human being. But I dont understand why they cant understand my beliefs. I believe in love. Crazy, stupid, happy love. Tell me, what is so wrong with seeing two people in love get married? Should it matter what gender they are? Just because someone is of a different sexuality than you are doesnt mean that they arent human. They have feelings just like you and I. They dont look any different from us either. These people could be your brother or sister, your uncle or aunt, your schoolmates or teachers, they could even be your best friend. Speaking of best friends, one of mine, Christian, is the reason this issue hits so close to home for me. Ive been to 6 different schools in my life and befriended many people but Ive never really been open about myself in any of them. But with Christian and our other best friend, Nardos, there were no secrets. I remember the day Christian came out of the closet to us as clearly as if it were yesterday, I recall him blushing when we asked if he liked anyone and gushing over his crush of five years. Someday, I hope to see him in a relationship with someone and as maddeningly happy as he was that day. I hope to see him get married, to see him be happy. I hope that someday hell be able to come out to a world that judges him less on love than who he loves and more on who he is. Sadly, I doubt that day will come anytime soon. That isnt to say that it will never come. I mean, interracial marriage was illegal in the US till anti-miscegenation laws (laws that banned interracial marriage, cohabitation and sex) were declared unconstitutional in 1967. Doesnt it seem ridiculous to you that it took a supreme court decision to define that it was alright for two people of different races to love and marry each other? Well, thats how it seems to me with same-sex marriage.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Therapeutic Value of Art and History of Art Therapy

Therapeutic Value of Art and History of Art Therapy Therapy Emotions Artistic Becoming An Art Therapist â€Å"Art therapy is a type of psychotherapy that encourages the expression of emotions through artistic activities such as painting, drawing or sculpture; psychotherapy based on the belief that the creative process involved in the making of art is healing and life-enhancing† (Webster’s Dictionary). Art therapy opens a creative world for those who cannot express the way they feel by use of verbal communication. To some people, are not enough. Expression through painting, sculpting, and drawing assists one in overcoming the effects of traumatic or unpleasant happenings in his life. Art therapy is a field that is beneficial to people of all ages, gender, emotional status, or mental ability. It is necessary to examine the knowledge of products resulting from and various methods utilized in a variety of disciplines in order to fully understand the vast benefits of implementing art therapy (Repko, 2005). It is used for a wide variety of conditions such as: the terminally ill, mentally challenged, emotionally disturbed, those afflicted with eating disorders, the abused both physically and verbally, and many more. The goal of Art Therapy is free and open expression, emotional well-being, mental stability and well-balanced coping skills for the client. In the profession of Psychology, use of Art Therapy is considered a most crucial component in evaluating, diagnosing and treating patients. Analysis of a persons psyche and mental health is often difficult with the single use of verbal communication. The use of art in healing dates back to the ancient drawings on walls of caves, revealing that although the profession of Art Therapy appears very young in the family of mental health disciplines it is very old and personally natural in practice. There is even evidence that the creative act of art may have prevented or forestalled more serious mental disorders for painters such as Blake, Munch or Van Gogh (McNiff, 1980). Patients who are given the opportunity to free themselves of inhibitions stemming from inner hesitations of new experiences, parental influences, cultural or economic are able to express deep fears, even fantasies or wishes through the expression of art. It is the symbolic language of images that initiates the surfacing of feelings and emotions that one often cannot or dares not to express verbally (Meltzer, 1948). As people outgrow inhibitions their personalities are freed and they can express and project feelings as well as face events that once disturbed them. In therapy, the developmental stages of art expression go from quite restricted and simplistic stereotypic models to images with actual faces or events expressed. Frustrated or once disassociated personalities are released and reintegrated through the use of art expression (McNiff, 1948). Art is often neglected as a serious academic subject in educational institutions. However, with further investigation it can compliment even the most difficult educational programs. Art is important to every student, but especially in programs educating handicapped or exceptional children. J. Dewey expressed in his drive to develop humanness in exceptional children that â€Å"†¦artistic activity is the way in which one may gain in strength and stature, the belief in his own powers, and the self respect which makes artistic activity constructive in the growth of personality† (Dewey, 1970 as sited in Integration of Art Education into Special Education Programs, 1976, n.p.). Curiosity is emerging about the therapeutic values of art, where once there was an emphasis on cognition art is becoming recognized as beneficial in the development and growth of individuals. The goal of both art therapist and art teacher is for an individual to realize his full ego. Teachers and therapists strive to master techniques which affect and develop the inner psyche of students. Margaret Naumburg was the first educator who had a sophisticated understanding of the importance of art in education. She incorporated free art expression into her work and published writings about her experiences. Teachers joined clinicians and educators in institutions dealing with handicapped, the bereaved and the mentally ill (Rubin, 1980). Intense and long-term education with clinical practice is required for an Art Therapist to obtain certification. The very nature of altering one’s personality or well-being in therapy necessitates the seriousness in consideration of the academic and practical preparation of an art therapist. The American Art Therapy Association was formed to regulate and determine and delineate the degree of education and training of art therapists. Standards of registration include strict guidelines with requirements including a master’s program with a highly valued emphasis on graduate training under the supervision and tutelage of art therapists and psychotherapists within clinical settings (McNiff, 1980). A wide variety of disciplines could be examined to understand the value of Art Therapy. Some are: sociology, psychology, economics, artand education. The scope of this paper will focus onhow art therapy is used in analyzing the psychological health of patients and treatment of; the development of individuality through art incorporated into education; and the aesthetic value of expression through the creative act of art. The most critical disciplines to determine the benefits of Art Therapy incorporated into its goal are psychology, art, and education. Examining the perspective of psychology will allow understanding of how a person can be evaluated for emotional and mental health, and methods of treatment prescribed to achieve the ultimate of balanced well-being through the use of the creative act. Psychology is the science of the status of the mind and it processes. Many conditions and happenings in life affect an individual’s physical and mental health. It is imperative to evaluate and prescribe the most beneficial methods of treatment to achieve this balance of mental status. Examining the perspective of art will reveal how expression of emotion and experience within the freedom of verbal communication has a healing affect on an individual and can rid him of past traumas or harmful experiences that prevent ultimate health. Art is the production of what is appealing, considered beautiful or that which is of more than ordinary significance. The avenue of communication through this type of creative expression enhances all individuals who utilize it. Not only is aesthetic value received through artistic expression, rather the therapeutic value far outweighs the former benefits. Finally, in looking at the perspective of education may explain why there is a necessity of years of academic instruction and clinical practice to obtain the certification of art therapy. Education is considered the intellectual preparation for mature life through acquiring knowledge. Its goal is to develop the power to reason based on knowledge and instruction that is imparted to the student. The profession of Art Therapy requires many years of academic study as well as clinical study and internship to obtain certification. Intense focus is on the importance of proper study and training to perform art therapy with an individual. Research of articles, journals and literary information pertaining to each discipline will be conducted. Products of the three disciplines mentioned concerning art therapy will be discussed such as American Art Therapy Association standards and requirements, artistic work of individuals before and after treatment, and exhibits of artistic expression from a variety of painters. The effectiveness of art therapy will also be revealed through drawings and paintings exhibited by different artists and individuals. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the therapeutic value of free expression in drawing, sculpting and the use of images; how art expands the imagination and educational scope of children and adults; and how the development of personality and character is affected when allowed expression through non- verbal means. By looking at similarities in the end product of individuals through various disciplines, the benefits of implementing art therapy will be revealed. Background Art Therapy (All in bold will be defined in Appendix A) began its history in the 1930s in America because of the efforts of Margaret Naumburg. In thirty years it developed into seven courses taught in five institutions by four art therapists including Ms. Naumburg. By 1971 four programs offered master’s degrees in art therapy. These degrees were offered in universities, a medical college and a college known for its fine arts studies. Single courses in art therapy were offered across the country in academic institutions as supplemental education. The historical background of art therapy began very slowly with seemingly nothing happening and then it developed with great speed (Agell, 1980). In the early development of art therapy professionals used it as case work for treating children with behavioral problems in residencies and special schools, hospitalized patients and private clients. â€Å"Art therapists who, convinced of the special qualities inherent in art, persuaded others – artists, teachers, and clinicians – that art expression provided an enduring, moving, and sometimes exquisite message of human experience† (Agell, 1980, p. 9). During the pioneering days, many therapists had been doing art therapy but didn’t know what to call the process or results of something special that was happening in their work. Elinor Utman founded the American Journal of Art Therapy in 1961. This publication provided information regarding the therapeutic use of art in professions. It also enabled art therapists who had formerly been isolated to be unified. This ultimately led to the founding of the American Art Therapy Association (AATA) in 1969 that gave therapists a structure for promoting their field of work, and its ultimate priority was to support the training development of art therapists. Two documents, Guidelines for ArtTherapy Training and Guidelines were created to provide the fundamental standards for training and the educational level required for certification of art therapy. It was determined that professional certification should be with a Master’s degree with recommended didactic and practicum experience (Agell, 1980). Art therapy has developed into four categories: recreational, occupation, general therapeutic and actual art therapy. These types of therapy are typically used with a variety of patients; the most intensive application of the therapy was used on institutionalized tubercular patients. Handicrafts and major arts were used to aid in the depression caused by elongated institutionalization. Physically handicapped patients were trained how to use other limbs or a different set of learning functions. Neurologically impaired patients such as those with cerebral palsy, mongoloid or the blind experienced the benefit of release or development of a satisfactory degree of intellectual functioning through the creative act of art. Those with mental and psychologically deviant conditions experienced art therapy as a therapeutic process and sometimes as a curative process. Art therapy was used for the occupational benefit as well as for enjoyment. â€Å"With the retarded and pathological child we have begun to realize the great help that can be gained from art psychotherapy in the youngest age group (Harms, 1975, p. 242). Research in progress shows that we ought first to distinguish between intellectual and perceptive learning. An impaired child will comprehend a branch of green leaves or a flower much more readily if it is not only explained to him but if he also has drawn it with crayons. The creative method of comprehending is not only much simpler but also reaches deeper into the apperceptive nature of the young child† (Harms, 1975, p.242). Development of Art therapy is used for people with health issues. Anna, age twelve, is a patient who came to treatment after having suffered many traumatic experiences due to a heart defect. She endured five major cardiac surgeries and had many problems that compounded her condition other than the physical difficulties. Having been sexually abused by a family member she exhibited difficulty coping with her feelings about the issues in her life causing stomach aches and a lack in friendships. Anna’s treatment included art therapy and resulted in better management of her anxiety and depression. A part of her treatment was to create a collage to draw out the subconscious feelings she had reached regarding her life issues. The focus of treatment and healing was her serious medical condition along with abuses. Anna’s depiction of herself in the collage was a figure with a large head and small body shown in the center of the paper. She had cut out magazine and placed the â€Å"good† describing herself on the right of her head and to the left, the â€Å"bad†. It was determined that she could not see both sides as a part of the whole head indicating she viewed herself as divided. It was only through art instead of traditional verbal therapy that this depiction of self was revealed. Though she was initially unaware of the divided view of herself through art therapy she reached a measure of healing resulting in healthier coping skills. This was confirmed by the change of images in her art, proving the benefit of art in treatment as well as recovery (Lees, 2003-2005). Victims of violent physical abuse also benefit from art therapy in that they are able to express in images horrible experiences that are either no longer conscious or are too painful to verbalize. As a sexual abuse survivor Susan exhibited a common theme of confusion of feelings and devaluation of self that is often only revealed through art. Art therapy reveals through images the impact the violence of sexual abuse creates. The first drawing of Susan reflected her pain with a single tear on an expressionless face. Her torment was silent, but through continued use of art she was able to express her suppressed emotions and the feelings that overwhelmed her. Progressive pictures depicted images of her feelings of loneliness and helplessness. Art allowed Susan to step outside herself and view what her feelings look like. This was a step used for her to learn how to own her true feelings. Through art she was able to see herself as a grown woman with an inner child. The colors in her art turned from black and colorless to vibrant and vivid. Emotions of anger appeared after the fifth drawing and as art drawings continued through treatment deeper emotions were depicted in the images and color selection. Through art therapy Susan was able to work through the steps of healing which brought hope of a new life without the pain from past experiences (Lees, 2003-2005). A third use of art therapy is with people who have challenges living in the normal realm of life. Children with autism benefit from art therapy by the opportunity to express and communicate with the world through images since they often cannot verbally. Sung, a Korean five year old girl, was filmed with a 35 mm camera to determine the benefit of art in autistic children. In her first session she became familiarized with the supplies used in art – sketchbook and a box of bright wax craypas. Her first drawings were banana-like arcs with heavy lines or large solid dots also containing rectangular patches. Other forms come and go in her depictions. Eventually she became â€Å"mesmerized by activity which fills her entire visual field and is absorbed by the deepening color and her rapidly moving hand seen from scant inches away† (Kellman, 2004, p.13). Sung’s art developed into additional shapes and a common images of heads with big solid eye dots and facial features. As time went on her pictures became more detailed including bodies with clothes and thinner lines. Paints and origami were introduced which developed dexterity. She was able to develop keen vision with spatial capacities as well as the control of fine motor skills. Her art revealed that autistic children frequently â€Å"focus on the geometric structure of a visual scene and on the forms and structures of objects themselves in their drawings† (Kellman, 2004, p.16). Sung was developing her available skills through art. Art therapy has developed into an essential and beneficial form of treatment and therapy. The above three scenarios prove the variety of uses in the expressive language of art. People with physical, mental or emotional difficulties are able to heal or develop with the use of art expression. The extent of healing/development can be measured through the progression of detail in the images. The scope of treatment is determined by the extent or type of art medium necessary. From its beginning in the 1930s, art therapy has developed and become recognized as an authentic therapy to assist people through a variety of disciplines. The objective of this paper is to explain how to become a successful art therapist by showing examples of treatments and giving the guidelines of the educational process. Integrating several disciplines forms a holistic, comprehensive understanding of how to accomplish this profession by using the Comprehensive Perspectives Model (Repko, 2005). Psychology not only benefits the therapist but is also the core reason patients turn to art therapy. Having a background in psychology will give an understanding of the brain and gives insights of how to cope and treat the issue. Art consists of the therapeutic process of learning to show emotion by using drawing pencils, paints and clay for sculpturing. Any individual can benefit from art alone because it subconsciously uses all the senses. Education is what ties the two above disciplines together. Psychology and art alone are very different but with having the proper process in both, together they form a creative solution for those not only in need of therapy, but for all. References Psychology Evans, R., Tissot, C. (2003). Children with autistic spectrum disorders: Perspectives on current research. Early Childhood Development and Care173, 361-362. Kellman, J. (2004).Art of a child with autism: Drawing systems and proto mathematics. Journal of Aesthetic Education. 38, 12-22. Lusebrink, V.B., (2004). Art therapy and the brain: An attempt to understand the underlying process of art expression in therapy. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association21, 125-135. Meltzer, H. (1948). Studies of the free art expression of behavior problem children and adolescents as a means of diagnosis and therapy. The Journal of Educational Psychology39(6), 382-384. Art Harms, E. (1975). The development of art therapy. Leonardo8, 214-244. Lees, L. A. (2003-2005). Lees psychological services, inc.. Retrieved March 8, 2008, from Examples of How Art Therapy Works Web site: Packard, S. (1980). The history of art therapy education. Art Education33, 10-13. Rubin, J.A. (1980). Art therapy today. Art Education33, 6-8. Education May, D.C. (1976). Integration of art education into special education programs. Art Education. 29, 16-20. McNiff, Shaun (1980). Art therapy registration and standards of practice. Art Education. 33, 29-30. Stoner, S.D., Drachnik, C., Jensch, K., Jungles, G., Levick, M., Minar, V. (1980). Employment, training program development, and legislative issues. 33, 25-28. Additional Sources Repko, A. (2005) Interdisciplinary practice: A student guide to research and writing. Boston: Pearson. Webster, N (1961). Websters new international dictionary. Cambridge, MA: Riverside Press. Figure Captions Figure 1: Untitled (Lees, 2003 2005) Figure 2: Letting Go (Lees, 2003 2005) Figure 3: Inner Child (Lees, 2003 005) Figure 4: Haling Hope (Lees, 2003 2005) Appendix A: Glossary (Preston, 2008) apperceptive able to relate new percepts to past experience art – â€Å"the means of widening the range of human experiences and creating equivalents for such experiences; an area where experience can be chosen, varied and repeated at will. In the creative act, conflict is re-experienced, resolved and integrated â€Å" (Kramer, 1958, p. 6) art therapy – therapy with the use of creative activities to express emotions enabling individuals to manage/overcome physical and mental problems. curative something that cures; a remedy. dexterity skill and grace in physical movement, especially in the use of the hands or mental skill or cleverness. didactic intended to instruct; inclined to teach or moralize excessively. craypas painting media such as watercolor, temper, acrylic, oils, wax crayons